Prestige is male - and what does that mean! It only means that it may not be within everyone's reach - and that's the point! When designing interiors I think about the investor and his expectations. I love creating elegant interiors, such "made to measure". I'm against mediocrity and slogans such as "it can't be done" or "it will be done somehow". It is obvious that each of us is different - and thus - perceives reality differently. I take real pleasure in making my dreams come true. I am a morbid detailer, because the end result depends on the details. The whole project can be good and the finishing details are poor then the whole project is also not the best. For me a chair moved 10 cm to the left makes a big difference.  I really like to show the vastness of interior design possibilities.  We are living in a reality that, especially lately, is a bit different. So why not create private Arcadias in your homes. I will help to decorate them for you!
In a very decisive manner. Without any allowances - so that the end result is surprisingly beautiful. Like people for whom I usually work. After all, we can live beautifully. We will create together a project that reflects my personality and yours. I am Karolina. Mentally I've been designing since I remember. I've been running my company for 9 years. I won't say that it's my passion - although it is - but it sounds trivial. I invite you to my world. Welcome to prestige! Welcome to my world, world of SCALA!